3 Problems Background Checks Can Help You Avoid
Compliance and safety concerns often come to mind when building abackground check program. Someindustries, such as healthcare, and certain ...
With Verified Credentials' mobile-first candidate experience, you meet candidates where it's most convenient. Learn how easy we make it.
Ongoing monitoring of driving records can help employers avoid risk and improve driver safety. Learn about the benefits of adding Verified Credentials' newest solution to your screening strategy.
Learn the latest trends in employment background checks. This report uses real-life usage data to uncover how employers are screening across industries.
Verified Credentials is a leading background screening company. Since 1984, we’ve helped validate and secure relationships through the use of our comprehensive screening solutions. We offer a wide variety of background checks, verifications, and innovative screening tools.
Our accreditation confirms that our policies, processes, and employee training meet rigorous industry compliance standards.
3 min read
Verified Credentials Dec 17, 2021 12:00:00 AM
One reason you might use background checks is to validate data. Data to determine a candidate’s potential fit. Or data to learn if they have the experience you need. The reality is, even if you don’t feel like your HR job involves data analysis, it very well could. In fact, your background check program itself could offer the potential for data analysis.
Tracking how your background check program is performing could help improve your overall hiring process. In fact, better use of HR data is one of the top HR trends for 2022. Data analytics is all about finding answers, so here are five questions you could possibly consider when using background check administrative reports.
Accurate budgeting requires a clear picture of all company expenses, including background checks. Volatility in the labor market and ongoing hiring challenges might make historical spending data less helpful than before. To achieve accurate budgeting in 2022 and beyond, you may need to look a bit deeper.
Your background check administrative report may show an average cost per candidate. You can use this to potentially estimate total costs based on predicted hiring volume. Costs may also vary based on the hiring location, among other factors. Comparing administrative reports from hiring locations could possibly offer this type of insight. Unpacking that data can help set expectations company-wide. That includes hiring managers working on plans and budgets.
Everyone wants the hiring process to move quickly. Hiring managers want to fill important roles, and candidates want to know where their next paycheck is coming from. But how can you effectively communicate with all parties about how long a background check may take to complete?
Background check administrative reports could provide a possible answer in the form of turnaround times. This metric can show you the average time it takes to complete background checks. This can fluctuate based on many factors, including, but not limited to, the type of checks, locations searched, or even time of year. Additionally, s some providers, like Verified Credentials, provide an estimated range of dates when background checks are most likely to complete. Plus, you can provide a more positive candidate experience by setting clear time expectations.
Timing and efficiency go hand in hand. Eliminating friction during background check review could potentially improve and speed up your overall hiring process. Evaluating background checks takes time and consideration and may take even more if a discrepancy is found in the background check. Based on internal Verified Credentials research from 2019, an average of 6.19% of all products searched resulted in a discrepancy. Using your background check administrative report, you can dive into the percentage of applicants with a discrepancy in their final background check. This can potentially help you understand how often managers may need more time for review and follow-up.
You can also look at discrepancies by record type. For example, if you find you spend a lot of time reviewing job histories due to a high discrepancy rate in a particular search, you may consider an alternative process. Starting with a tool like report scoring may help. By analyzing the data and responding with the right tools and process improvements, you may increase efficiency.
A consistent background check experience could promote fairness in hiring, may potentially help employers avoid negligent hiring lawsuits, and could make the hiring process easy for your team. But consistency can be a difficult thing to measure. Your background check administrative report may be able to offer insights on screening use throughout the company.
For example, the average number of checks per candidate could establish an average number of searches performed on each candidate within a background check. Background checks that have fewer or more searches could then potentially be flagged for additional review to determine whether that is consistent with your overall screening policy.
No two businesses are identical. And no two companies screen in the exact same way. There could be certain metrics in background check administrative reports that help you make process improvements and increase efficiency in your hiring. Or maybe you need something unique. For that, you may need custom reports.
These aren’t the only questions you might consider when analyzing your background check administrative reports. As you continue to look for ways to improve your screening process, look at the data you already have. Administrative reports can be a treasure trove of information. When paired with proper analysis, they can even help identify areas for growth in your background check process.
Want access to data on your terms? Connect with Verified Credentials today and learn about administrative reports and other workflow efficiency tools.
Compliance and safety concerns often come to mind when building abackground check program. Someindustries, such as healthcare, and certain ...
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