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2 min read

4 Ways Companies Supercharge Their Background Screening Process

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There are only so many hours in a workday. When you spend so much time managing and reviewing background checks, it can seem like it’s taking over your hiring process. But it doesn’t have to be that hard. We see a number of companies doing background screening a faster, more productive way. Take a look at what some companies are doing to get on the road to hire after a quick screening pit stop:

They provide complete and accurate candidate information upfront.

Nothing slows down a background check like a good game of phone tag. Background screening firms need complete and reliable candidate information BEFORE they conduct background checks. Employers that take the time to gather the following candidate information upfront experience less disruptions and prevent the need to track down candidate information later:

  • Complete names (including middle names). Verify spelling and check for typos.
  • FULL dates of births (month, day and year).
  • FULL social security numbers.
  • Driver's license numbers, even if they are not conducting a driving history search.
  • Complete and VALID addresses. Include ALL components of each address (number, street, city, state & zip). Don’t forget apartment numbers. Also, verify and supply the candidate's current mailing address.
  • Valid candidate phone number AND email address. Verify with the candidate that they can be reached at both contact sources.

Supplying complete candidate information upfront is a simple, yet potent way to invest in a smooth and efficient background screening process.

They give candidates some control.

Many companies opt for a background check provider that allows candidates to submit their information for the background check directly to the screening company. These solutions let candidates self-enter their information and electronically sign disclosure and authorization forms online. By using a candidate self-service solution, companies can save costly staff work time, reduce data entry errors, and speed up the background screening process. In fact, we’ve seen companies that use these solutions save thousands of staff work hours and tens of thousands of dollars a year. What would you do with that spare time (and money)? A lot of things. By giving the candidate some control, hiring managers can free up their calendar to focus on other important tasks. It’s another easy thing companies can do to simplify the background screening process.

They use tools to simplify the process of reviewing background reports.

Sorting through and reviewing background report results can be a costly and time-consuming task, but it doesn’t have to be. Some companies use color-coding services, like Verified Clear View, to simplify their report review process. In general, these services compare background check results against an employer’s guidelines to determine those that meet their standards and those that need further review and/or follow up action. Candidates that meet the employer’s requirements can be fast-tracked though the hiring process, allowing the company to focus on the candidates that need further attention. Color-coding services can also help companies maintain a consistent background report review process and promote compliance with the company’s own employment screening policy.

They leverage software integrations.

Why do more work when it’s already been done for you? That’s the case for companies that use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to manage talent acquisition. Rather than duplicate the data entry of candidate information in multiple systems, they can electronically transfer the information to their background screening company automatically. On top of removing a redundant process, those companies can keep all of their candidate information in one place. Best part, it can sometimes be even quicker to get started for established integrations.

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