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2 min read

Challenging the State of your Background Screening Package

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Same as it ever was… It’s amazing how easy it is to overlook screening packages, often kept at status quo year after year. We surveyed HR professionals during a recent webinar, revealing the last time they reviewed their background screening program structure - and it wasn’t just yesterday. The survey showed that 2 out of 3 HR professionals admitted it has been a few years or longer since they evaluated screening packages.

A majority of these seasoned HR professionals hadn’t even considered the impact an out-of-date screening package structure. This little-known issue of unchecked screening packages has direct bearing on how effective and consistent your background checks are. Let’s talk strategic structures for your screening packages, ways it could strengthen your background screening program, and suggestions on how to get organized.

Outdated program structures may create gaps

Infrequent assessment of the content and structure of screening packages can lead to problems:

  • A grandfathered package structure may not account for updates to corporate organization and workflow.
  • Protocol for a la carte add-ons may be unclear which could leave some HR users adding or skipping background checks.
  • Some a la carte options are used frequently which might indicate the need for a new package alternative is becoming relevant.

Perhaps not a hot-button issue, but 9 out of 10 employers are using packages to group background checks. It’s relevant and can have a critical impact on the overall screening program. After all, the point of packages is to simplify the ordering process and create consistency. But what if your packages are failing you when it comes to certain employee groups or your team’s workflow? The result could be missing relevant records on your candidates and employees, ones that may potentially be found if a focused organizational structure is in place.

What works for you: simple or complex?

Is your current package structure intricate? Or has your organization been taking a simple approach to configuring packages?

Those that develop a more complex structure for their background screening packages may do so because they find it’s helpful to have various, unique packages available depending on specific factors. This method doesn’t leave questions about the potential a la carte needs for specific groups of employees because the packages are established based on those needs. However, some may find a structure that is more complex can also be more confusing, which could result in misunderstandings from hiring managers or HR staff about what package should be used.

Unlike the complex structures, some may find that simple structures are more straightforward and easier-to-use across an organization. This method typically establishes a baseline package for most potential hires – leaving no questions about which package should be used for various candidate groups. If an additional background check need arises in these situations, a la carte searches are typically used. However, if left without the direction of a concrete policy or monitoring, a la carte selections can be irregularly used, creating potentially inconsistent screening standards across an organization.

Nearly half of organizations use one primary “standard” background check package for all candidates, while only slightly more organizations have package structures that are more complex. Most common among these are companies that break down background check packages based on the job role – whether it’s job level, department, or function.

Time to think outside your status quo

Every organization’s approach to building their program is unique. It’s for that reason that at Verified Credentials, we only customize packages for the unique business needs for each company. When other background screening companies are offering out-of-the-box packages based on role, industry or employee group, we find that those plug-and-play options are rarely replicated by organizations that are in control of how their background checks are applied. When fully customized, background screening packages are formed to the organization’s specific risk matrix and unique employee groups, not the other way around.

A strong background screening program structure can lead to increased efficiency and a cohesive experience for candidates and internal stakeholders alike. Take a quick look at your current program and challenge if it is up-to-date and providing a positive experience for everyone involved.

Are you ready to consider a refreshed approach to your background screening package structure? Schedule a consultation for insight on how Verified Credentials can help you start with a new strategy.

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