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Driving record monitoring

Ongoing monitoring of driving records can help employers avoid risk and improve driver safety. Learn about the benefits of adding Verified Credentials' newest solution to your screening strategy.

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Verified Credentials is a leading background screening company. Since 1984, we’ve helped validate and secure relationships through the use of our comprehensive screening solutions. We offer a wide variety of background checks, verifications, and innovative screening tools.

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1 min read

Starting Job History Verifications on the Right Foot

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Nearly everyone knows the Forrest Gump quote about life and boxes of chocolates. But the classic movie features another gem of wisdom when Forrest explains, “My mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they going, where they been.”

This folksy observation holds an essential lesson for HR professionals. Do you know where your candidates have been in their careers? Because much like shoes, employment verifications can give you much insight into the candidate’s past. Verifying a candidate’s work history can confirm the information they provided or listed on their resume, give you a peek into how they perform as an employee, and even offer detail about their personality.

Why Verifications Process Matters

How is all of this information obtained? At Verified Credentials, we use a streamlined workflow and don’t limit the number of attempts made to verify the information. Take a look at the general steps a background screening company may use to complete a work history verification.Verification Process

Discover how unlimited attempts to verify work history can increase success rates by 70%. Learn more ››

With only a few primary steps, verifying your candidate’s past employment might seem like a quick process, and many background screening companies will boast low turnaround times. But employers may be caught off-guard when incomplete results are delivered due to limited attempts. Worse yet, they are still required to pay for work undone. What about starting the process off on the right foot instead?

Process Agility Makes All the Difference

At Verified Credentials, we find that hiring managers don’t want to abandon difficult-to-reach employers. If more verification attempts are needed to validate candidate qualifications, hiring managers are all for it. In fact, nearly all choose to continue verification attempts past the typical attempt limits of other background screening companies. Giving you the option to continue the process results in more completed verifications over time.

Much like Mrs. Gump, we understand the importance of an individual’s history. For you, that means getting complete and accurate details on how your candidate operates professionally to make informed hiring decisions. Start having more control over the verification process today by scheduling a consultation to discuss your options.

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