GSMI Talent Acquisition Week in San Diego: Embracing HR Innovation and Employer Branding in 2025
The GSMI Talent Acquisition Week Conference in San Diego was an electrifying event that kicked off Verified Credentials’ 2025 conference season by...
With Verified Credentials' mobile-first candidate experience, you meet candidates where it's most convenient. Learn how easy we make it.
Ongoing monitoring of driving records can help employers avoid risk and improve driver safety. Learn about the benefits of adding Verified Credentials' newest solution to your screening strategy.
Learn the latest trends in employment background checks. This report uses real-life usage data to uncover how employers are screening across industries.
Verified Credentials is a leading background screening company. Since 1984, we’ve helped validate and secure relationships through the use of our comprehensive screening solutions. We offer a wide variety of background checks, verifications, and innovative screening tools.
Our accreditation confirms that our policies, processes, and employee training meet rigorous industry compliance standards.
2 min read
Verified Credentials Jan 10, 2020 12:00:00 AM
Background checks seek the truth about your candidates’ and employees’ connections with potential crimes. Screening products, packages, scope, actual order product mix, and methodologies used all contribute to how comprehensive a background check is. When added up, you can get a good sense of how likely it is you’ll prevent relevant information about a candidate from slipping through the cracks.
The painful truth is that gaps in background checks occur. In addition to knowing popular order configuration for job/role or group in your industry, you may take a step back to examine key areas of background check scope to see where you have opportunities to avoid gaps like this in the future. Understanding where those gaps occur can be the first step to developing a plan for more coverage. Let’s take a look at a list of some potential common gaps to be on guard about in your background checks.
“Broad” generally means covering a wide range. In the case of background checks, this not only refers to the span of where you search but also what names and locations you search. A search that is not broad enough could leave you:
Finding names and locations associated with candidates can be done simply, and with background checks that exist in most screening packages. Using a Social Security Number search, also known as an Address History Trace, and a National Criminal Plus search to find tips of leads for potential crimes nationwide helps you expand your current search to cover potential gaps.
Download our eBook to learn how these searches might uncover more crimes ››
Statistically speaking, you’re probably using some mix of a County Criminal Record Search and National Criminal Plus search in your background checks. But if you stop there, the horizon could be riddled with gaps that could result in missing fundamental candidate history. You could potentially miss out on:
A Federal Criminal Record Search, Motor Vehicle Record Search, or National Sex Offender Registry Search could set you up to locate records like these and more. To pigeonhole criminal history using only the most popular criminal record sources could create small fissures where potential records could be unfound. An augmented criminal background strategy may include an extended network of sources. A background screening program with a layered source approach typically covers more records, which could leave less space for something serious to slip through unseen.
See how expanded sources help other organizations close gaps ››
Strategically closing the gaps in your screening program can set you up for successfully locating more records over time. Download our eBook “3-Step Plan to Stop Missing Records” for an in-depth look at potential solutions to these gaps and details on another common area where records go unfound in background screening programs.
The GSMI Talent Acquisition Week Conference in San Diego was an electrifying event that kicked off Verified Credentials’ 2025 conference season by...
Compliance and safety concerns often come to mind when building abackground check program. Someindustries, such as healthcare, and certain ...
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There’s a lot of fluctuating information out there about background checks. And it’s common for even the most experienced HR leader to be confused or...
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