Background Screening Blog | Verified Credentials LLC

What's to Love about a Background Screening Company with In-House Operations?

Written by Verified Credentials | Feb 15, 2019 6:54:30 PM

At Verified Credentials, we have all departments housed under one roof. Everyone working together in the same place means we can walk down the hall to discuss solutions for our clients in person. With internal teams, what you get is:

  • Quicker decisions from real-time, in-person meetings, and no lag times to schedule conferences with off-site locations in other time zones to get the job done.
  • Overall synchronicity of service with better training and consistent processes, avoiding disjointed programs or operations that could cause errors or quality issues.
  • Better relationships with people who know you and your business well, avoiding confusion for candidates and your staff.

A company with its business processes in one location is increasingly less common in a world more connected than ever. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with working in a global network. However, there’s something to be said for a homegrown group working together to deliver a quality, effective solution to partners that know and trust them. Cutting out wait times and improving productivity is a big benefit when you're working with time-sensitive hiring cycles and processes. Moreover, you, like many HR professionals, don’t have extra time to wait around for solutions or background reports.

It’s true that many background screening companies, including Verified Credentials, may use third-party vendors in some capacity. In some cases, you won’t feel the difference. However, some departments may have a significant impact on your and your candidate’s overall background check experience. Working with a background screening company with in-house support, operations, and technology keeps the screening process running smoothly, and here’s how.

Superior Support

If your candidates have trouble getting their questions answered about how to submit information or access their candidate portal, they could miss deadlines or make errors. Likewise, when you have questions, you want to speak to someone who knows your organization and business needs personally so you can get the best possible service.

You chose your background screening company for a reason. The people you built relationships with as you get started shouldn’t disappear. The familiar face of Verified Credentials is a dedicated account manager, introduced during new account implementation, who's backed by an experienced support team. That way you’re never left working with people you’ve never heard of and didn’t sign up to work with. When everyone is in-house, training standards, processes, culture, and relationships are consistent with the company you wanted to work with, helping ensure a better experience.

Outstanding Operations

Operations are the heart of the organization that’s always pumping. That’s because they are the team that is continuously working hard to achieve high levels of quality and speed as they complete your background checks. When operations teams are in-house, it’s easier for background screening providers to optimize the activities and manual processes they use to generate your background reports. For example, it’s easier for Verified Credentials to monitor order volume and maintain appropriate staffing levels to keep turnaround times low because our operations team is located right here in the building.

When unexpected issues arise, like a network going down or problems accessing a particular database, on-site operations are self-sufficient. We have the expertise at our fingertips to resolve any issues and keep things running smoothly.

Internal operations teams also develop a keen understanding of a glossary of terms that are key to the screening business. That means industry-specific terminology and product names are the same from person-to-person. The experienced and knowledgeable in-house Verified Credentials teams have a thorough understanding of these terms to deliver exceptional background checks.

Smart Technology

Some background screening companies will use outside vendors for their client-facing technology platforms and web development. In our experience, we find that when developers have visibility into the company’s other operations, they can develop workflow solutions that keep the process efficient.

At Verified Credentials, we take great pride in our in-house software development team. They are experienced developers and leaders in thoughtful design and system agility, allowing us to offer workflow tools and portals to speed the screening process along.  They are among the true pioneers in our industry. After all, they work intimately with our proprietary systems and know better than anyone how organizations and their candidates use our screening solutions and platforms.

Verified Credentials understand that well-connected departments are better equipped to deliver an effective background screening process and provides this with in-house support, operations, and development. A home-grown approach to background screening is good for relationships, our teams, and most importantly, you.

Want to know more about how our well-connected and driven teams work together to customize screening solutions? Schedule a consultation and learn how Verified Credentials’ proprietary platforms and in-house teams improve process efficiency and the candidate.